We are here to help our clients in difficult times. We have compiled a list of community resources for your convenience. The information on this list is provided for educational purposes. We are not affiliated with any agency or business listed.
Bail Bonds
24 Fast Bail Bonds https://dekalbcountybailbond.com/
Reliable Bonding Company http://www.reliablebonding.com/
2nd Chance Bail Bonds https://www.a2ndchancebailbonds.com/
Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline https://www.thehotline.org/help/
Social Services Agencies
UnitedWay 211 - Food Pantry and other services
ICNA Relief Food Pantry Stone Mountain https://www.icnarelief.org/
Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority Resource Center https://facaa.org
Dekalb Access and Resource Center: 949 N.Harison Rd. Stone Moutain GA 30083 Phone: 678-476-3819
Homeless Shelter Directory
Stone Mountain Homeless Shelter and Services for the Needy https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/cgi-bin/id/city.cgi?city=Stone%20Mountain&state=GA
Ex-Offender Re-entry Programs
Georgia Center for Opportunity https://georgiaopportunity.org/employment/prisoner-reentry