The criminal justice system has been described as broken as far back as 1982 when President Ronald Reagan declared his war on drugs and crime. Since then we have seen mass incarceration in such horrific numbers that many have now called for the abolition of prisons. We have traveled through the crack epidemic and the racially unjust laws creating harsher penalties for crack possession than for powder cocaine. We witnessed the 1994 Crime Bill, the growth of the for-profit prison industry, and the construction of a school-to-prison pipeline.
Recently, the American racial and criminal justice landscape was rocked by the killing of George Floyd. The issue of police brutality and calls for defunding the police are issues currently being discussed. The streets of our cities are on fire with violence, raising again the question of whether something must be done to get guns off the streets.
These and many other criminal justice issues are front in center in American lives. Through our blog, as well as our social media platforms, and e-newsletter, we will join in this public discourse. We hope to not only contribute to the healthy dialogue, but intend to share information and resources that will actually contribute to the dismantling of the School to Prison Pipeline, and the establishment of Law & Order synched with a justice that is restorative, rehabilitative, and empowering to all those affected by it.
If, as Ronald Reagan said, the criminal justice system is broken, then now is the moment to imagine it's repair, transformation, or replacement. Please join us on this journey by subscribing to our YouTube Channel, connecting with us on social media, and sharing your feedback with us.
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